
How to Whole30 Without Your Spouse

how to whole 30 without your spouse
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Okay, okay so I named the article how to whole30 without your  “spouse” but these tips also work for roommate, friend, kids, even mother in law. I wanna start off by saying that any diet modification is more fun with a friend but you also have to find the right friend. Catch my drift? If you live with someone who might mutter the following: “Can you really eat that?” “Shouldn’t you eat less if you want to lose weight?” Or “Did you make sure thats compliant?” one hundred times a day-not fun! If you have a spouse/roommate/friend that you can run to and vent or celebrate with – now thats fun!

Maybe that isn’t your spouse. Or maybe your spouse just has no interest in joining you. Thats okay! You CAN do this even when your spouse/roomate/kids aren’t. Keep scrolling for some helpful tips when it comes to being the only one under your roof doing a whole 30.

how to whole 30 without your spouse

1. Speak to Your Spouse About Your Triggers

Obviously you are going to have to suck it up a little bit and can’t ban all yummy food from the house BUT you can request some bigger triggers from the home. I personally can’t control myself around almond joys. Like AT ALL. So I asked and maybe even begged my husband to stop buying them because I just couldn’t say “no”. He replaced his nightly almond joy with super lame m&ms and now we are both happy. He gets his sugar fix and I could care less about his runner up candy of choice. 

2. Get Your Own Cabinet

My other trigger is chips. Crunchy, salty, yah I’m here for that. My husband is too and he wasn’t budging on that one. So I reorganized the cabinets so I had a cabinet of my own and it was the best decision! My whole 30 staples are in there and easy to find without distraction. Fruit and larabars look way more appealing when they aren’t leaning up against a bag of crunchy kettle chips. No distractions and everyone wins.

Click on the images below for more delicious recipe ideas:

3. Clean Out the Cabinets

While you are there clean out that cabinet. Anything non-complait that your spouse won’t miss just get out of the house. Donate, toss, just get it out. I promise you’ll thank me.

4. Stick to the Classics

Plan a great base to every meal then adapt it. Make burgers and you can have it on sautéed kale and they can have in on a bun. You can both top the burgers with juicy tomato, crispy bacon and avocado. Pair with a side of BEST WEDGES EVER and everyone will be thrilled. Yum! Or you could make tacos and have them on  lettuce boats and your spouse could have their usual wrap. My husband doesn’t even notice if I’m trying to avoid certain foods. He just puts whatever I made on toast with cheese and everyones happy!

Click on the images below for more delicious recipe ideas:​

5. Condiments, Condiments, Condiments

When starting a whole 30 you’ll quickly realize how much sugar is hidden in condiments. I suggest getting whole 30 approved versions of all your favorites (bbq, ketchup, salad dressing, mayo) There are so many options out there! My favorites are tessamae and primal kitchen. My spouse and I have had separate condiments for years and it totally works for us.

6. Separate Breakfasts

Dinners aren’t too hard for us because we keep it simple with meat and veggies and then each adapt from there. Breakfast and even lunches on the other hand are a different story. If I make some delicious egg breakfast he is all about it. Oatmeal made from spaghetti squash? Not so much! He has his eggs and toast and I do my own thing.

Click on the images below for more delicious recipe ideas:​

7. Alcohol

If your spouse isn’t giving up alcohol and that is a trigger for you its best to come up with a backup plan before you are in the situation. La croix or kombucha in a wine glass are my personal faves! 

8. Remember Your Why

At the end of the day it just gets easier with time. These are my tricks that still work today but after so many years of marriage I can tolerate him eating a delicious piece of pizza right next to me because I made my own delicious dinner. It all comes back to your “why”. Why did you start the whole 30 in the first place? What are your goals?I highly recommend writing it down on a post-it on your mirror as a constant reminder and to help you stick to the program. You got this!

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how to whole 30 without your spouse
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